Magic Anti-Ageing Oil That You NEED In Your Skin Care Products

Faith Marie
2 min readJun 19, 2021

Now don’t get me wrong! You are never too young to start fighting wrinkles; and unfortunately, how you take care of your skin when you are younger greatly affects how it looks when you're older.

If you don't wear sunscreen all through your teens and 20’s, you most likely won't see the damage right there and then.

However, what you also don’t see, is the damage it's done 20 years later.

This is why this anti-ageing oil is essential to have in your skincare products, no matter how old you are.

This oil has a simple name! It's ROSEHIP oil.

Many ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mayans used this oil to make elixirs to beautify women.

As time progressed its use has changed. Presently rosehip oil is mainly used in the cosmetic industry for anti-ageing effects.

Some of the ingredients in Rosehip oil consist of Vitamin A and E; these stimulate collagen production and increase cell reproduction, which decreases the visibility of wrinkles.

Other Benefits Include!

Acne and pimple fighting

Scar removal

Stretch mark removal

Skin and blemish lightening

This natural oil is timeless and its anti-ageing benefits are immeasurable.

Enjoy your younger-looking skin and live with the peace of mind that it's gonna be here for longer than you ever dreamed of, thanks to rosehip oil.

Thanks for reading,

Love Faith



Faith Marie

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